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November 13 BUZZ

Outdoor Clean Up!

Happy Monday!

We hope our Glen Allan community had a wonderful November Break! We are returning with a lot of great things happening at Glen Allan. It is Metis Week and Bullying Awareness Week. We have Odd Socks Day today and Rock Your Mocs on Wednesday. We will also be kicking off our 4th Annual Food Bank Drive this week. And, on Thursday evening, we will be holding our Glen Allan School Council Meeting Thursday evening. 

Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information. 





First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information

Photo Galleries

WEEK AT A GLANCE - November 13 - 17



  • Grade 5 More than Money Program - Financial Literacy Session
  • Girls Volleyball Practice at Lunch




  • Hold and Secure Drill
  • Remember to bring in your items for the Food Drive!


Reminder: Reporting Absences

You can report your child's absence by phone or email:

  • Call (780) 467-5519
  • Email our school office

Please include your student's name, the name of the parent/guardian reporting the absence, the duration of the absence, and the reason for the absence.

We are responsible to Alberta Health Services to track illnesses within the school community, therefore the more specifics you can share related to the reason for a students' absence, the more accurate we can be in our tracking. If a reason is not included in your email or phone message, Mrs. Camp or Mrs. Delainey are required to follow up on the reason.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Glen Allan's 4th Annual Strathcona Food Bank Drive

We are very excited to announce Glen Allan’s 4th Annual Campaign to Support the Strathcona Food Bank!

Wednesday, November 15 – Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Strathcona Food Bank is a charitable organization operated by volunteers and a volunteer Board of Directors all year round.  They rely on donations to provide food assistance to those in need in Sherwood Park and rural Strathcona County.

The top needed items are:

  • No-sugar-added canned fruit and fruit snack cups
  • No-sugar-added fruit juice, both 1 liter and juice boxes
  • Low sugar, cold cereals
  • Canned tuna and meats
  • Canned mushrooms and mixed vegetables
  • Low sodium broth, 1 liter tetra
  • Ready to serve soup, chili or stew
  • Box Macaroni and cheese (such as KD or Annie's)
  • Personal hygiene items including feminine hygiene, bar soap and shampoo
  • Size 4T, 5T and 6 diapers and baby wipes
  • Dry Dog and Cat Food (we are struggling to meet the demand for pet food so we would really appreciate it if donors would be willing to donate to support furry companions).

Thank you in advance for your kind and generous donations of any size!

Let’s see if we can match or beat our donations from previous years! In 2020 Glen Allan Elementary donated 1600 pounds of food/other donations, in 2021, we donated 932.5 pounds, and in 2022, we donated 1042 pounds!! GO GLEN ALLAN!!

Strathcona Christmas Bureau

If families are interested in donating to the Strathcona Christmas Bureau this year, they are currently accepting donations for the 2023-2024 Christmas season on their webpage

The top needed items are:

  • Gifts to give to children ages 9-11
  • $25 gift cards for children ages 12-17
  • Cash donations to provide Christmas gifts to families in need.

Please connect directly with the Christmas Bureau if you would like to donate.

All donations made to the Strathcona Food Bank and Strathcona Christmas Bureau stay in Strathcona County to help our community members.

Glen Allan School Council Meeting this Thursday!

The Glen Allan School Council is a wonderful way to be involved in your child's school community. We invite all our parents and caregivers to be involved in our Glen Allan School Council.

We would like to welcome and encourage you to join us for our October Glen Allan School Council (GASC) meeting on Thursday, November 16 at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are in-person, in our school library. If you are unable to join us in-person, you can also join us through a Microsoft Teams Meet. The link to the meeting along with the meeting agenda can be found with here.

This month there will be information shared about the Winter Showcase (Christmas Concert), Book Fair and Indigo campaign updates, and playground fundraising initiatives.

For more information about the Glen Allan School Council, check out the GASC pages on our website for an overviewexecutive membersmeeting datesagendas and past minutes.


Literacy At Home

You know that reading together as a family is a powerful way to promote literacy, but how do you find books to read? Here are some places to find some excellent book ideas:

All ages - Your local  library or sites like Read Aloud Revival have all sorts of great books suggestions.

Check out this document for some prompts to help your child read purposefully to find meaning.

Numeracy At Home

“Every time a student makes a mistake in math, they grow a synapse.”

 –Jo Boaler, Mathematical Mindsets

What Tips can I use to Help my Child? Be positive about math!

  • Let your child know that everyone can learn math.
  • Let your child know that you think math is important and fun. Make math part of your child’s day.
  • Include your child in everyday activities that involve math making purchases, measuring ingredients, counting out plates and utensils for dinner.
  • Play games and do puzzles with your child that involve math. They may focus on direction or time, logic and reasoning, sorting, or estimating. Encourage your child to give explanations.
  • When your child is trying to solve a problem, ask what they are thinking. If your child seems puzzled, ask them to tell you what doesn’t make sense. (Talking about their ideas and how they reach solutions helps children learn to reason mathematically.)
  • Treat errors as opportunities to help your child learn something new

Excerpt from Helping Your Child Learn Math: A Parent’s Guide – Manitoba Education


Counsellor's Corner

Monday, November 13, is the start of Bullying Awareness Week.

Bullying is when someone does something repeatedly and purposefully to cause someone else harm. When someone unintentionally does or says something hurtful and they do it once, that is rude. When someone intentionally does or says something hurtful and they do it once, that is mean. When someone intentionally does or says something hurtful and they keep doing it, even when you tell them to stop or show them you are upset, that is bullying. The key to stopping bullying is to report it when you experience it. We encourage students to speak with a trusted adult like a teacher, parent, supervisor, or school counsellor. 

The opposite of bullying is showing kindness. Kindness is defined as being friendly, generous, and considerate. Kindness is a choice, is intentional, is selfless, is a movement, is grace, is not always easy, and is caring and understanding. Kindness involves treating people with respect even when we disagree with them. Kindness is when we go beyond what is expected of us and reach out to help others. There are 3 simple steps to performing an act of kindness. First, find out what the other person needs. Next, think about how you would feel if you had that same need. Finally, offer your help. There are endless ways to show someone you care. Ways to practice kindness every day include using good manners, taking time to acknowledge and appreciate people, offering to help without being asked, smiling, being present, making others feel comfortable, paying attention when someone is talking, and being kind to yourself.

Our theme for Bullying Awareness Week is "Kind All The Time." We encourage one another to look for opportunities to do something kind for someone in need. We will work hard to stop bullying. Together, we can make sure we are being kind to one another so our school is a safe place where everyone feels they belong!

Alberta Health Services Addictions and Mental Health Newsletter

The November edition of the Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health Newsletter focuses on talking to children about drugs and alcohol. Newsletter

Themes include:


Metis Week

Each year on November 16, people across Canada pay tribute to the Right Honorable Louis Riel by holding a commemorative ceremony on the date of his execution. In Alberta, the week surrounding November 16 is known as Métis Week. Resources and tools are provided to teachers to support students in their Métis education journey. At Glen Allan, teachers will lead students through activities in class, by joining virtual presentations and speakers, and using literature and videos to support students’ in learning about Métis week.

Rock Your Mocs

Did you know...

  • Until 1951, the Indian Act restricted Indigenous ceremonies, preventing the wearing of regalia typically worn to these events. 
  • Traditional dress was also forbidden in residential schools. 
  • Before 1951, Indigenous peoples required the permission of the Indian agent if they wanted to appear in ceremonial dress off reserve.

Rock Your Mocs is a way for Indigenous Peoples to reclaim their traditions and to celebrate their identities. Each pair of moccasins carries a story about who made them, what nation they are from, what materials they are made of and what story they tell.

People from coast to coast are rocking their moccasins (or favorite slippers/shoes) at school, at the office, and in their communities to promote cultural pride and encouraging Indigenous peoples to share their stories.

It’s an opportunity for the Glen Allan community to learn about the diversity of Indigenous peoples and support local Indigenous communities. We invite students, both from Indigenous communities as well as non-Indigenous communities to honour of Rock Your Mocs Day at Glen Allan on Wednesday, November 15! 


Halloween Fun

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