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May 21 BUZZ

Happy Tuesday!

We had a great evening last Monday, welcoming next year's kindergarten students to Glen Allan. There was a lot of energy in the building with many future students excited to start their education journey!

This week, we invite all parents and caregivers to our final School Council meeting of the year which will be held on Wednesday at 6:30pm in our school library (**please note the change in date due to the Oilers' playoff game on Thursday). It is at this meeting that our general elections will be held. More information can be found in the GASC blog article below. 

Due to conflict in scheduling, GASC will not be hosting a hot lunch this month.

We are excited to introduce you to our school counsellor for next year - Mrs. Chantal Harry. As Mrs. Marks shared in a previous BUZZ blog post, she will be moving to Lakeland Ridge full time next year. Mrs. Marks and Mrs. Harry will meet prior to this year wrapping up to ensure a smooth transition.

Welcome Mrs. Harry!

My name is Chantal Harry and I'm excited to be joining the Glen Allan community as the new school counsellor! This year, I'll be returning from maternity leave and sharing my time between Glen Allan Elementary and Sherwood Heights Jr High.

A little about me...

I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba (of course, I'm a Winnipeg Jets fan, but the Oilers are my second favourite team!) and I moved to Alberta a little over a decade ago. I started my career as an elementary school teacher and have taught grades 3-8. I loved teaching so much and discovered that my favourite part was connecting with students one-on-one and helping them grow, learn and feel successful. Therefore, I decided to continue my educational journey by completing a Master's Degree in Education, with a specialization in Counselling. Throughout this endeavour, I learned that counselling in the school environment is my true passion and have worked in that role for some time, providing safe and welcoming spaces to all students. 

I am also a parent to two wonderful children, and one little dog. I reside in Edmonton with my husband. One of my favourite things to do is spend time with my friends and family outside. I enjoy reading, crocheting, playing video games, watching movies and watching hockey, when I have the time. 

It is my hope that parents and students alike feel comfortable accessing the school counselling supports available, so please don't be shy and feel free to contact me (email is best) throughout the school year if you have any questions or concerns. 

I can't wait to meet everyone in person! 

It's a great week for a great week!

Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information. 





First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information

Photo Galleries

  • Maker Space Time
  • Concerts, Drills and Announcements

WEEK AT A GLANCE - May 20 - 24


  • We hope you all had an amazing long weekend! 


  • Grade 5 DARE Program Lessons
  • Grade 1 Field Trip to Strathcona County Museum
  • Strathcona Country Water Presentations - Grade 5


  • Grade 6 Field Test
  • Glen Allan School Council Meeting and Elections 6:30 pm


  • Grade 6 Aviation Museum and Alberta Art Gallery Field Trip
  • FitKids - Swoosh Basketball
  • Dungeons and Dragons Club
  • Evacuation Drill


  • Bev Facey Concert Band Performance
  • Grade 6 Field Test
  • Grade 6 Guest Presentation on Alberta Government


Glen Allan School Council Meeting Wednesday, May 22 @ 6:30 pm

Please join us Wednesday, May 22 6:30 pm in the library for the next GASC meeting where we will also hold our Glen Allan School Council Elections. **Please note the change in date due to the Oilers' playoff game on Thursday.

The following positions are under active recruitment for next school year (2024/25): 

  • Secretary: Key tasks include: Taking council meeting minutes

Positions currently filled, but willing to transition early/offer shadowing: 

  • Fund development chair
    • Key tasks include: Planning fundraising events, working with Budget Chair on council finances 
  • Budget chair
    • Key tasks include: Managing council budget, preparing monthly/yearly financial statements 

If you're interested, GASC would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via email to and they can answer any questions you may have. 

GASC is open to all parents and guardians of children who attend Glen Allan Elementary. The agenda can be accessed here. 

Mark your calendars - Class Photos May 29th

On Wednesday, May 29th, each class will have their class photo taken. May 29th is also Red Shirt Day, when people across Canada come together and wear red in schools, workplaces and spaces everywhere to create a visible display of solidarity and show their support for persons and families who are living with disabilities. Glen Allan Elementary will recognized Red Shirt Day on May 28th instead allowing students to wear what they'd like for their class photo on the 29th. 

Strathcona County Library Cards for Kids

Strathcona County Library will be sending their Youth Services Library Specialist to our school at the beginning of June to talk to students about summer reading and library programs. If you would like to have your child receive a library card, you can fill out this form and return it to the school. They will drop cards off to our office to distribute to students.


Call for Volunteers: Sports Day!

It's that time of year again! Our annual Sports Day is coming up (Friday, June 7th) and we're looking for volunteers to help make the day a success. We have 8 volunteers already, but need more! By volunteering for the morning (8:40-11:40am), you'll be one of two adults running stations. If you are able to help out, please fill out this form by Friday, May 24th! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Camp (

Class Placements

With registrations and the upcoming school year on our minds, we'd like to share information on how we determine classroom placements. 

Our teachers collaborate with the administration and counsellor to develop balanced class lists as a team which consider several factors such as academic needs, behavioural needs, friendship/social groupings, access to support staff, matching personalities between teacher/student and a balance of genders. Teachers submit a checklist with each draft class list that addresses these considerations, including ensuring at least one friend for each student. As you can imagine, creating class lists is a complicated task.

It is our goal to create balanced classes that provide an excellent educational experience for each child. We appreciate your trust in our professionalism and our desire to do right by all students while balancing the various needs of each family. It is for that reason that we do not entertain requests for classroom placements. If there is an extenuating circumstance that will have a significant impact on your child or family that you feel we need to consider, you can share that information in writing via email to the principal, Jennifer Ference, by May 31, 2024.


Welcome to Kindergarten Resources

Welcome to Kindergarten resources can be found on our school website here.

The slide presentation from our Kindergarten Open House has been posted along with several documents families may find useful as you prepare for Kindergarten at Glen Allan Elementary for the 2024-25 school year.

Additionally, to help families with new kindergarteners in 2024-25 prepare for the year ahead, EIPS has created a five-week email series of simple activities families can explore this summer. Watch your emails for the first edition this week! Information can also be found on the EIPS website - Preparing for Kindergarten Email Series.

Literacy Corner - LitBits Episode 6

EIk Island Public Schools Supports for Students Literacy team has created a series of videos with quick tips and tricks to help you child improve at reading and writing at home. This week's video is called Vocabulary Ideas


This week, our teachers will have access to the EIPS Edukit: Music and Celebration. Students and teachers will have the opportunity to use this kit of resources for the next 2 weeks. Hopefully your student(s) will come home and share some of the things they've learned from it!


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