October 28 BUZZ

Happy Monday!
Thank you to all families who supported the Glen Allan Book Fair, and to the Grades 1-6 families who met with teachers for conferences last week. Almost 90% of our families attended conferences! We would like to extend an extra special shout out to our parent volunteers for book fair and hot lunch! We are grateful to have such an engaged parent and caregiver community.
We are excited for a fun-filled Halloween this Thursday, as we bid farewell to October, and wish our volleyball teams a great tournament this weekend!
It's a great week for a great week!
Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information.
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information
- Glen Allan Highlights
WEEK AT A GLANCE - October 28 - November 1
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Good Luck Glen Allan Volleyball Teams! |
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- October 31: Halloween Dress Up and Assembly
- November 5: Your Future: Post-Secondary and Career Fair
- November 5-11: Veterans’ Week
- November 6: Early dismissal
- November 6: Take Our Kids to Work Day
- November 8: Indigenous Veterans’ Day
- November 8: Remembrance Day Ceremony
- November 10-16: Métis Week
- November 11-15: November break (schools closed to staff and students)
- November 11: Remembrance Day (Central Services closed)
- November 13: World Kindness Day
- November 18-22: Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
- November 20: National Child Day
- November 20: Vegreville and Mundare Indigenous Family and Community Evening
- November 27: KA & KB Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 28: KB Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 29: Elementary Report Cards Published
- December 10: Save-the-Date KB Kindergarten Winter Showcase in the afternoon
- December 11: Save-the-Date KB Kindergarten Winter Showcase in the afternoon
- December 11: Save-the-Date Grades 1-6 Winter Showcases in the evening
Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported our book fair last week. Seeing so many families attend not only made the event more special, but it also encouraged our students to explore the joy of reading. Business was booming and we'll be able to purchase many books for our school library, as a result.
Congratulations to Dawson S. who won $25 in books for his family and $25 in books for Mrs. Balog's class!
Halloween at Glen Allan
As was mentioned in last week's BUZZ we have some fun plans for students for Halloween. There will be a school assembly in the afternoon where students will have an opportunity to "walk the cat walk" to show off their costumes. It's going to be a spooktactular event!
Below are a few reminders to please keep in mind for our Halloween celebrations. Thank you for your cooperation in making sure everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!
- Students are welcome to come dressed in their costumes for the day. Please help us out by making sure that costumes are not too scary/grotesque for our younger students, and that students leave weapons at home for their evening Trick-or-Treating!
- We highly recommend avoiding costumes that are difficult to sit in. This includes inflatable costumes which are fragile.
- Students are invited to bring a personal treat on October 31. Please do not send treats for the whole class, as we anticipate students will be collecting many treats Halloween evening. Please remember that we are a Nut Aware school and students should not bring food items that contain nuts to school. This is make sure members of our school community are safe! Many of our students, as well as some of our staff, have severe nut allergies.
Remembrance Day Ceremony: Friday, November 8
Please join us on Friday, November 8th at 10:30 a.m. for our annual Remembrance Day Service. Our service will pay tribute to the countless men and women who have served and continue to serve our country.
Parents are welcome to join us for the service. We would like to extend a special invitation to any war veterans, members of the military or any other service groups (fire fighters, police officers, paramedics, etc.) to join us, in uniform, if applicable. There will be reserved seating available for these honored guests. Please RSVP here if you are planning to attend.
Students are invited to wear their club uniforms to school as well, e.g. Cubs, Scouts, Cadets, Brownies, Guides, etc.
Numeracy at Home
Support and encouragement play a crucial role in children's success in mathematics. Their attitude towards math influences their perception of the subject. A positive outlook helps them build self-confidence and take risks. Involve your child in everyday activities that use math, like shopping, cooking, or managing bills, to demonstrate its relevance and importance in daily life.
How to support or promote a math environment at home
Racism Isn't Funny
Last week we welcomed Toni Harrison to speak with our Grades 4, 5, and 6 students. Toni is an experienced speaker who helps people understand what racism is and how it affects individuals and communities. He has worked with many schools and organizations, teaching the importance of kindness, respect, and inclusion.
Toni talked about how racism sometimes shows up in jokes and why it's important to know that these jokes can hurt others. During his Racism Isn’t Funny presentation he defined the terms racism, microaggression and antiracist for students. Below is a video about microaggressions that was shared during the assembly. We know our amazing students at Glen Allan continue to be aware of their words and actions so we can continue to create a kind and inclusive community.
Our self-identified students will have the opportunity to participate in monthly smudging ceremonies with one of our EIPS First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Consultants. The first smudging will take place on Monday, October 28.
Land Acknowledgments
This week staff and students will be starting to create their own Land Acknowledgments. Land acknowledgements are a way of recognizing the relationship between Indigenous people and their traditional territories. Students will learn about the history, significance and location of Treaty 6 territory and the Métis Nation.
Students will also be using other Land Acknowledgments as examples when creating their own. Below are a few of the Land Acknowledgments staff will be sharing with students.
Elk Island Public Schools Land Acknowledgment
Strathcona County Land Acknowledgment
Edmonton Oilers Land Acknowledgment