September 9 BUZZ

Happy Monday!
Our first 5-day week is upon us! We have had a great first few weeks with our students. As we all settle into our routines, we want to thank families for ensuring we are informed of absences and reasons for those absences so we can track illnesses. We also thank you for completing permission click conduct forms, updating their PowerSchool information by filling out the correction and verification forms, ordering agendas, and keeping us up to date on student medical needs. We're all in this together!
It's a great week for a great week!
Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information.
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information
- A few shots from Sept 3-6
WEEK AT A GLANCE - September 9-13
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
First Hot Lunch of the School Year!
On Friday Sept 20 GASC will be hosting our first hot lunch of the school year.
- Log on to to order starting September 6.
- You will need to setup a new account and add your child(ren) account so that they are listed under their correct class for this year, even if they've had an account in the past.
- The Access Code is GLEN.
- Orders will close at 4 pm on Monday September 16.
- All orders must be paid through the hot lunch website.
- GASC is unable to take cash or cheques at this time.
- Unpaid items as of the cut-off time will not be ordered.
We are looking for volunteers to come help the day of. You can sign up to volunteer on the website at the time of purchase. If you run into any problems please contact Drie @
SAVE THE DATE: First GASC Meeting of the Year
Our first Glen Allan School Council meeting is coming up next week. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend on September 19 at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held in the library and there will be a Microsoft Teams link available for those who are unable to join in person.
The meeting agenda and meeting link will be posted on our website early next week.
The Glen Allan School Council is a wonderful way to be involved in your child's school community. Parents play an important role in student success. School councils allow parents to participate in decisions that impact student learning. By contributing knowledge, perspective, and ideas at school council meetings, parents are actively contributing to the success of the school community.
Caregiver Series: September sessions
Alberta Health Services offers free online programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth. Sessions are offered through Zoom. The list of September 2024 sessions is now available.
Evacuation Drill
In our ongoing efforts to keep you informed, we want to let you know that students and staff will participate in an evacuation drill on Thursday. As this is the first drill of the year, Mrs. Brownlee will review the drill procedures with students over the intercom prior to the alarm sounding. Teachers will also review the steps for an evacuation with their classes.
An evacuation is used when it is unsafe to remain inside the building. In an evacuation, students and staff exit the building and gather at a designated location outside the school. In the event students and staff must remain outside for an extended period of time, they may move to our alternate indoor evacuation centre.
With safety as a top priority, we will continue to review emergency preparedness procedures with our staff and students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your ongoing support.
School Emergency Preparedness - Guide for Parents and Guardians
During an emergency, our first priority is the safety of our students and staff. In order to provide an effective response to any school crisis, the division has developed an Emergency Response Plan. The plan works in conjunction with other local emergency plans, since a school emergency could require the involvement of numerous agencies. The plans created for individual schools, along with the division plan, are reviewed annually and after an emergency occurs.
For more information about EIPS emergency preparedness plans, please review our School Emergency Preparedness - Guide for Parents and Guardians.
For more information about Elk Island Public Schools’ emergency preparedness planning, visit
Orange Shirt Day
Orange Shirt Day is being recognized at Glen Allan on Friday, September 27. It is a day for remembrance and is an act of reconciliation. Students will be learning that this is not a celebratory or joyous occasion, but rather one where we focus on empathy and understanding. Some of the activities that we will be doing during the week are:
- orange shirt designs
- written reflections
- read alouds of age-appropriate books
If you wish to purchase an Orange Shirt, there are many indigenous owned businesses with meaningful contributions in the Treaty 6 area. One supplier for shirts is the U of A bookstore; the design is created by local Cree artist Jerry Whitehead and the proceeds go back to intergenerational residential school survivors.
You may also purchase an Orange Shirt from Dreamcatchers Gift and Art Gallary in Fort Saskatchewan.
The Orange Shirt Society also sells t-shirts and other merchandise.
We encourage you to have conversations with your child(ren) about the meaning behind National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, wearing Orange Shirts, and how to respond to the Calls to Action.