September 3 BUZZ

Happy Tuesday!
Welcome again to a new school year! The first two days were wonderful! There was a buzz of positive energy in the building with excited students and staff filling our hallways and classrooms. The first days of school are my favourite time of year!
As we embark on this new year together, we are starting with the story We're All Wonders by R. J. Palacio. This powerful tale reminds us that each of us is unique, with incredible strengths and areas where we can grow. At Glen Allan, we believe every student has the ability to learn and grow, and we foster that growth through engaging learning experiences and opportunities that challenge and inspire.
We are committed to ensuring that every child feels included, safe, and surrounded by caring adults and peers. It’s our mission to create a school environment where all students have the opportunity to connect and thrive. This year, more than ever, we invite you to join us in building an inclusive, caring, and safe learning environment for everyone—students, staff, and families alike.
Our guiding principles, the BE Paws, are at the heart of everything we do: BE Kind, BE Helpful, BE Respectful, and BE Responsible. If we stay true to these values, I am confident that we will have an incredible year ahead.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Let’s make this school year one to remember!
It's a great week for a great week!
Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information.
- Division Code of Conduct
- Video surveillance at schools and on buses
- Building Security and Door Locking within Elk Island Public Schools
- Pay school fees online!
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information
- First Days!
WEEK AT A GLANCE - September 3 - September 6
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Drop Off Zone, Parking and Being a Good Neighbour
We are lucky to be located in the close knit community of Glen Allan. Let's do our part to show our neighbours we are respectful at all times! We know it can be easy to quickly pull into someone's driveway for a quick drop off or to turn the car around. At times, we also know when families are waiting for their students, driveways can get blocked or garbage bins moved to create spots to wait. Let's be good role models for our students and respect the property of the houses that line our street and neighbouring streets.
Please also remember that the north staff parking lot is strictly a drop off loop for parents. There is no parking permitted in this lot or along the center meridian between 8:15 – 8:30am. If you are planning on walking your child up towards their designated door, please park in the visitor parking across Georgian Way and use the crosswalk. Please do not park in designated staff parking. We really appreciate your cooperation for us to keep the traffic flowing and all the students safe! If you would like to see a map, please visit under the Parent Information -> Student Drop-Off Options and Visitor Parking.
Staff will be outside on supervision starting at 8:15am each morning. Please ensure that students are not arriving at school prior to 8:15am as there will be no supervision. Similar to last year, as students arrive at school, they will line up at their designated entrances. Class doors are assigned as follows: Entrance and Exit Door Map (can also be accessed on our school website).
Drop off Lane Reminder
We are lucky to have a terrific drop off lane right near the school. As the weather gets colder, we know more and more people will use the lane. We have a few reminders to help make it work as smoothly as possible:
- If you plan to get out of your car, park on the street or in an actual visitor parking stall.
- Roll to the farthest available spot in the drop off lane.
- Kiss your child and send them out of the car. Stay with your car.
- Check to see that the moving traffic lane is clear of cars or pedestrians before signaling and moving into the moving lane.
- Enjoy a great rest of the day!
Also, we ask for your help in making sure that you do not park or drop offkids in the staff parking lot. With almost 50 staff members as well as guest staff or other Elk Island employees who work at the school, we do not have enough room for visitors to park in our staff parking lot.
Thank you for being the role models of kind, safe, and respectful behaviour for all of our students!
Together, we can make DCE a place where everyone belongs!
Update your PowerSchool information
The EIPS Correction and Verification Form is available online through your PowerSchool Parent Portal—at the top of the left-hand menu. Use the form to access and update your child’s records information—including address, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts and medical information. Reviewing the form and submitting updates ensures the school has the most up-to-date information regarding your child.
When reviewing the form, pay close attention to all listed phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information. Also, if you recently moved, now is the time to ensure the Division has your updated address. Throughout the year, the Division and school use the listed information to communicate with families about important information, including updates, the latest news and events.
PowerSchool Correction and Verification Form
Review and update the form by Sept. 25, 2024
If you have questions about the form or your Parent Portal account, contact the school office at 780-467-5519.
Did you know? EIPS Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees meets throughout the school year to discuss and make decisions regarding matters important to students, families, schools, communities and public education overall. Community members are encouraged and welcome to attend in person or to tune into the public livestream on the EIPS YouTube channel. For 2024-25 Board Meeting dates, visit the EIPS website and subscribe to the Division calendar.
Division Code of Conduct
EIPS has three administrative procedures (APs) that address the Division’s code of conduct:
- AP 311: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments for Students
- AP 350: Student Code of Conduct
- AP 351: Student Conduct on School Buses
The Division, and Glen Allan Elementary, are committed to ensuring all members of the school community are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging. EIPS encourages all students, staff and families to review the procedures to understand and practice the conduct expected throughout the Division.
Video surveillance at schools and on buses
Did you know each EIPS bus is equipped with video surveillance, and many school sites have video monitoring equipment?
Video surveillance and equipment help:
- ensure the safety of all students, staff, drivers and property; and
- discourage destructive acts.
As needed, EIPS school administration and Student Transportation staff review video recordings, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The recordings assist schools and the Division with monitoring student and driver conduct and may be used as evidence in a disciplinary matter.
For more information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, contact the EIPS FOIP Co-ordinator at 780-464-3477.
Building Security and Door Locking within Elk Island Public Schools
The safety of students and staff is of paramount importance to Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS). To improve safety and security in schools, the Division has implemented a new initiative to keep student safety and learning a top priority. For some schools, this new divisionwide process aligns with current practice, for other schools it will be something new.
Effective for the start of the 2024-25 school year, all school exterior doors, including the front door, will remain locked during operation hours, , and opened for student access during specific school entry times.
Students will enter and exit the school using their designated doors, and parents/caregivers will continue to meet their children outside their dismissal doors.
Students who arrive after the entry bell—as well as parents/caregivers, volunteers, school visitors and other guests—will be welcomed into the office through the front door after ringing the front doorbell/video-monitored intercom entry system. The visitor sign-in protocol at schools remains the same as it has been in the past: upon arrival, all visitors must report to the school office and sign in.
The video-monitored intercom entry system will enable office personnel to determine who’s at the door and admit arrivals without having to leave the front desk. The video camera will display the individual’s image on a screen in the office, and once admitted, the individual will sign in at the office as they have in the past. This new procedure enables staff to know who’s in the building and helps prevent trespassers from entering the premises. Students will continue to come and go from the school at the start and end of the day and at recess and lunch as they have in the past. Parents, caregivers and volunteers are still welcome and appreciated for your visits to and involvement with the school.
We ask that families please assist school staff with reminding your children, for safety reasons, not to open any locked doors for individuals attempting to enter the school. When the doors are locked, all individuals must approach the front door and follow the new procedures.
For any food service deliveries throughout the school day, parents/caregivers or students must inform the school office staff in advance, so staff know to expect the applicable delivery at a specified time, and all deliveries will come through the main school entrance.
For extracurricular, after-hours or community use, one designated door will be unlocked for the applicable times as specified in the agreement when the space is booked.
Refer to the new Administrative Procedure 538: Building Security and Door Locking on the Division website for more information. These changes are one more step EIPS is taking to support the ongoing safety and wellbeing of everyone in Division schools. If you have any questions about the new procedure, contact the school directly.
Pay school fees online!
Wondering when and how to pay for school fees? School fee information for the 2024-25 school year will be posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal in late September. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. NOTE: Additional fees may be added throughout the year—for example, at the beginning of each semester, as your child takes part in various activities, or they may be adjusted by changes in selected optional courses in junior and senior high school. If you’re unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived. The application deadline is Dec. 16, 2024.
For more information, visit School Fees on the school website. Alternatively, contact Shauna Delainey, Registrar and Business Manger at Glen Allan Elementary at 780-467-5519.
Upcoming Community Events
Indigenous Family Gathering
- Join EIPS, First Nations, Metis and Inuit Families for a night of music and food with special guests Curt Young and the Healers.
- Tuesday, September 24 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm at West River's Edge Pavilion in Fort Saskatchewan
Every Child Matters Traditional Feast and Round Dance
- EVERYONE is welcome to share traditional teachings of round dance, protocols and the drumming and songs we all love!
- Monday, September 30, at the Alberta Aviation Museum Event Hanger
- Pipe Ceremony 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Traditional Feast & Potluck Dinner 4:30 to 6 p.m.
Round Dance & Indigenous Marketplace 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Late Night bagged lunch served at approx. 9 p.m.
Giveaway at approx. 9:30 or 9:45 p.m.
- Pipe Ceremony 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Monday, September 30, at the Alberta Aviation Museum Event Hanger
Edmonton Orange Shirt Day Run/Walk Every Child Matters - RunConciliAction
- Activities at Kinsmen Park starting at 12 p.m. The event will begin with ceremony and words from Elders and speakers at 1 p.m. A round dance will follow with the run/walk beginning with the kids 2.15 km at 2 p.m. followed by the 5 and 10km. Food Trucks and more!
Orange Shirt Day
Orange Shirt Day is being recognized at Glen Allan on Friday, September 27. It is a day for remembrance and is an act of reconciliation. Students will be learning that this is not a celebratory or joyous occasion, but rather one where we focus on empathy and understanding. Some of the activities that we will be doing during the week are:
- orange shirt designs
- written reflections
- read alouds of age-appropriate books
If you wish to purchase an Orange Shirt, there are many indigenous owned businesses with meaningful contributions in the Treaty 6 area. One supplier for shirts is the U of A bookstore; the design is created by local Cree artist Jerry Whitehead and the proceeds go back to intergenerational residential school survivors.
You may also purchase an Orange Shirt from Dreamcatchers Gift and Art Gallary in Fort Saskatchewan.
We encourage you to have conversations with your child(ren) about the meaning behind National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, wearing Orange Shirts, and how to respond to the Calls to Action.